I AM Student Census Campaign
A vibrant campaign helping regional school boards to get to know their students: who they are, how they identify, and how they learn.

Advertising, Film / TV, Graphic Design, Web Design

Lakehead Public Schools and the Superior Greenstone District School Board were chosen to pioneer a school census pilot project for the province of Ontario.
With two schools from each board participating, Generator was entrusted with the task of developing a compelling marketing campaign to encourage students and parents to participate in the census.

The I AM Student Census pilot project unfolded as a vibrant campaign that aimed to foster a deeper understanding of the students within each school board. It sought to capture who they truly are, how they identify, and their unique learning styles.
To effectively reach the target audience, a distinctive campaign tagline and visual identity were crafted. The color scheme of the campaign, that incorporated the brand colors of each participating school board, added a dynamic touch to the messaging.

The campaign employed various communication channels to effectively convey its message. Eye-catching posters, an engaging website, captivating videos, and strategic social and digital ads were utilized to raise awareness of the census and promote participation.
Generator assumed the responsibility of managing the social media strategy and content plan for the pilot launch, ensuring key communications were effectively conveyed before, during, and after the survey.

Driven by the success of the I AM Student Census pilot, the campaign expanded in the following year to encompass all schools within both school boards. Additional creative assets were developed, complemented by a comprehensive communication and social media plan.
The campaign gained momentum, fostering inclusivity and allowing Lakehead Public Schools and the Superior Greenstone District School Board to gain valuable insights into their student populations.

The I AM Student Census campaign exemplifies the power of effective marketing in driving meaningful engagement. By employing a diverse range of creative elements and strategic communication strategies, Generator empowered both school boards to connect with their students on a deeper level and pave the way for enhanced educational experiences.